The Fisher of Stories
Well, the year is ending. As far as years go, it’s been pretty lame. But I can tell you this, it has been a HELL of a lot better than last 2008. I was so happy that 08 was… Read More »The Fisher of Stories
Well, the year is ending. As far as years go, it’s been pretty lame. But I can tell you this, it has been a HELL of a lot better than last 2008. I was so happy that 08 was… Read More »The Fisher of Stories
Well, the year is ending. As far as years go, it’s been pretty lame. But I can tell you this, it has been a HELL of a lot better than last 2008. I was so happy that 08 was over,… Read More »My New Years Resolution.
We all now know that a few days ago, I asked y’all to vote for me, y’all showed up like Republicans to a gun show, and I wound up winning a $50 gift card. What did you win? Well,… Read More »The Fisher of Stories
We all now know that a few days ago, I asked y’all to vote for me, y’all showed up like Republicans to a gun show, and I wound up winning a $50 gift card. What did you win? Well, you… Read More »Suggestions, And A Vote.
It’s Post It Note Tuesday time. Supah started this shiz, and she gets the credit. I do this, well, because it’s fun, because it’s easy, and because it gets me a shit ton of new followers, for which I am… Read More »Post It Tuesday: In Which I Dedicate One To Supah.
(Hey guys and gals. It’s Memoir Monday time! This is where you write down a story about yourself, steal my button down there, drink a beer, and call it all a win. The only rule is that it has to… Read More »Memoir Monday: Left Behind: False Alarm.
Well, I asked my readers to come support me, and I currently have a call in to Vicky’s Secret to market your support as the best damn bra ever. That’s real. You remember that contest I asked you to go… Read More »Y’all Roll Hard. That’s Real.
So. It’s Christmas Eve. I wake up this morning, and my phone is ringing. Aww… I bet it’s someone calling to wish Christmas cheer! YAY! Why is the number out of state? “This is Travis.” “Hi Travis, we’re just… Read More »Merry Christmas, Ya’ll.
Some of you may know already. I got a second job. I’m not going to give you the name of the place, in case someone that works there winds up reading this. However, I’ll tell you that it’s a movie… Read More »My Second Night At Work…
This is Post It Note Tuesday, brought to you by Supah Mommy, who hell, I’ve probably offended this week.