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Memoir Monday: The Christmas Edition.


(Hey guys and gals. It’s Memoir Monday time! This is where you write down a story about yourself, steal my button down there, drink a beer, and call it all a win. The only rule is that it has to be true, other than that, there are no rules. I’ve had about 5 people regularly start doing it, and that’s wicked cool! Let’s try to get a few more! Once you post, let me know, and I will link you up down there for all my kick ass bloggy followers to go and read! Y’all are the greatest, and I love you. If you want to see all the Memoir Monday posts, just click on the book!)


Normally I have to spend at least a week trying to figure out what I’m going to post for my Memoir Monday.

It never comes easily.  (TWSS)

But anyway, this week, there wasn’t a lot of thinking to do.

You see, my wonderful home town of Okay, Oklahoma, decided to have its first annual Christmas Parade. It’s a town of less than 500 people in the northwestern part of Oklahoma. (update: It was was so rudely brought to my attention in the comments that Okay is in fact in the northeastern part of Oklahoma, not the northwest. Yes, I am an idiot. Thank you, Anon.)

I promised my readers that I would be there to cover this story in all of its white trash glory, and I didn’t fail you.

The song comes courtesy of Montgomery Gentry, and it’s called, Merry Christmas From the Family.

This is really all the introduction you need, however, I want to say two other things.

The guy at the end that is labeled the coolest ever actually stopped traffic to lean over to me and say, “I charge 25 dollars a picture!” Yeah. I got it for free, and he actually posed for me.

Also, the ambulance didn’t throw any candy at all.


Other Non-Parade Routes Down Memory Lane This Week. (GO READ THEM!)

Whoa Mumma’s Memoir Monday

AG’s Memoir Monday: Unwrapped.

Daffy’s Memoir Monday: The Big Catch.

Carol’s Memory Monday: Drunk Santa.

Joshua’s Memoir Monday: The Break In.

BigSis’ Memoir Monday: Snarky HR Lady.

Kimi’s Memoir Monday: The Day I Told The Truth About Santa.

Ed’s Memoir Monday: Well Hello, Cha Cha.

Quixotic’s Memoir Monday.