Yeah, I’m on the bandwagon.
I’m gonna do this Post-It Note Tuesday thing again, brought to you by SupahMommy
By the way, she’s got something going on over there for a kid. I didn’t read a lot about it, but it seems that this kid is pretty bad sick, and she’s raising money for him. Go check that out by clicking her name. That’s classy.
Anynotes, here is what I’ve got for you this week. Being as Memoir Monday has tanked in the comment section, hopefully this will get you guys and gals going again.
There you have it! Hope you enjoyed it!
Also, just out of curiosity, how many of you have a BlackBerry?
We’ve started a new group with the new BB Messenger, and it’s legit. Bloggers with BlackBerries.
Let me know if you have one and want to join, and we’ll get you all caught up. It may, however, take actually talking to me on the phone to get it going! Prepare yourself!
Brandee, Carol, Daffy and I look forward to seeing you!