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A Change From Regular Programming…



Thats right, I’m not doing a Memoir Monday today. Don’t worry though, if you did one, I’ll link it up at the bottom of this post and direct everyone your way.

What I have for you today is something a little different, and not at all what you’re used to seeing here.
You see, there is this little girl, and she has cancer. Neuroblastoma to be exact. Here’s the kicker. She’s 16 months old.

I have some cancer experience. However, I cannot even fathom what these parents are going through, and I don’t want to. I’ll be honest when I say that I haven’t read much of the blog, which you can find here. I just know that the support that they are being shown is incredible, and I figure it’s my time to help in whatever miniscule way I can.

Brandy over at Think Tank Momma and I are going to be doing a weight loss challenge. From now until June 30th, we are going to be dropping some serious weight. All we ask you to do is sponsor us. You can give whatever you want per pound, and I can promise you that I will drop the weight. I weighed yesterday, I’m at 314 pounds. I have 114 more to my goal, but I’ve lost 56 so far.
Now this weight loss has even more of a purpose, but how much more is up to you.
Here is the button that Brandee made up for us.
Here is the button for the blog.
And here is the button to donate through Paypal.

Click on monkey to donate…please help!

So my pledge to you is to lose the weight.

What is your pledge to her?