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The Fisher of Stories

  Image credit Many of you know (all too well, I’m sorry, well, actually I’m not, it’s amazing) about my transformation over the last nine months. You know about Chris at Reform Strength and Conditioning, and you know that if… Read More »The Fisher of Stories


The Fisher of Stories

  Look at that enormous Sloat head. I’m typing this from the doctor’s office. We’re here for a checkup on Isaac, making sure he’s growing like he should and hoping he won’t be covering his face for the next ultrasound.… Read More »The Fisher of Stories


The Fisher of Stories

  Look at that enormous Sloat head. I’m typing this from the doctor’s office. We’re here for a checkup on Isaac, making sure he’s growing like he should and hoping he won’t be covering his face for the next ultrasound.… Read More »The Fisher of Stories


The Fisher of Stories

  Look at that enormous Sloat head. I’m typing this from the doctor’s office. We’re here for a checkup on Isaac, making sure he’s growing like he should and hoping he won’t be covering his face for the next ultrasound.… Read More »The Fisher of Stories


The Fisher of Stories

  Look at that enormous Sloat head. I’m typing this from the doctor’s office. We’re here for a checkup on Isaac, making sure he’s growing like he should and hoping he won’t be covering his face for the next ultrasound.… Read More »The Fisher of Stories


The Fisher of Stories

  Look at that enormous Sloat head. I’m typing this from the doctor’s office. We’re here for a checkup on Isaac, making sure he’s growing like he should and hoping he won’t be covering his face for the next ultrasound.… Read More »The Fisher of Stories


The Fisher of Stories

  Look at that enormous Sloat head. I’m typing this from the doctor’s office. We’re here for a checkup on Isaac, making sure he’s growing like he should and hoping he won’t be covering his face for the next ultrasound.… Read More »The Fisher of Stories


The Fisher of Stories

  Look at that enormous Sloat head. I’m typing this from the doctor’s office. We’re here for a checkup on Isaac, making sure he’s growing like he should and hoping he won’t be covering his face for the next ultrasound.… Read More »The Fisher of Stories


The Fisher of Stories

  Look at that enormous Sloat head. I’m typing this from the doctor’s office. We’re here for a checkup on Isaac, making sure he’s growing like he should and hoping he won’t be covering his face for the next ultrasound.… Read More »The Fisher of Stories