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The Fisher of Stories


Sent Clothing was started in 2009 by Wes Hammons. Wes remembers being at Falls Creek and hearing the message being preached from John 17:18, and realizing that he had a calling to spread the Word of God.

He struggled for a while on how best to do this, and one day, while doodling on a piece of paper, Wes decided he would like to make his own t-shirt and maybe turn it into a clothing line. From that day forward, Sent Clothing had a place to live.

Wes creates t-shirts that use simplicity and modern design to spread the message of Christ and His love for us. The concept is simple; create a product that drives conversation, which in turn opens doors to minister to others.


Wes works hard to keep his prices low, and all of his shirts stay at a very affordable twenty dollars ($20). This ensures that his customers won’t have to break the bank when they want to stylishly proclaim the Good News.


For his latest shirt line, Wes has created a series called “Sent Cities.” This will be a four part shirt release, started with “Oklahoma City,” and going from there.


Wes has decided that in order to broadcast his ministry further, he’d like to have a giveaway on my blog with one of his shirts as a prize! And entering will never be any easier.

All you have to do is “Like” Sent Clothing’s page on Facebook

For an extra entry, you can comment on this post (one time only), and “Like” this blog’s page on Facebook as well

The extra entries are not valid if you don’t “Like” Sent Clothing’s page as well. While you’re at it, check out Sent Clothing’s website, and start choosing the design you’d like when you win, and the design you’ll buy if you don’t!

The winner of the contest will be drawn and announced on Friday, June 22, 2012.

So follow the links and get busy entering!

Well, today is the day! Someone is going to win $30 in iTunes gift cards from yours truly! I briefly considered “testing” the cards to “make sure they worked,” but then I realized I’m trying to get a posse over here, and I don’t think that would help.


Time to announce the winner!

All told I had 426 entries, and as you can see I used to get my winner. The winner in this case is Momma Fargo!
I want to thank all those who participated, and also those who have started following as well as my loyal followers! Blah blah blah, you’ve already tuned out because you didn’t win.
There is more to life than winning. Go eat a cookie, you’ll feel better. Oh, and I love you.


Well, you might have noticed some changes around here.

For starters, I have a new URL.

Secondly, I have a new layout, which I’ve been told is easier on the eyes. Like your mom.

Thirdly, by just clicking on something I saw on the internet, I increased the size of my…blog roll.

These are just a few of the changes I’ve implemented and will continue to implement in the coming months. I’m going to direct this blog more in the direction of story telling, and less in the direction of “whatever comes off my fingertips without going through a filter in my brain.” I’m going to see what I can do about illustrating those stories, but listen. I draw really bad.

But, as any story teller will tell you, a good story needs one main thing in order to matter. Listeners. Or in this case, readers. There are all kinds of ways to gain readers on a blog, including just having good content, but the one I’ve found that works the best is to buy them.

That’s right, I’m going to do a giveaway.

$30 in iTunes gift cards, to be specific.

So here are the rules:
If you are a follower or become a follower, you get one entry.
If you comment on this post, you get one entry.
If you “Like” my blog on Facebook, you get an entry.
If you follow me on Twitter, you get one entry.
If you tweet about this post, you get 3 entries, just make sure you leave a comment with the link to the tweet. You can tweet about it once a day until Sunday, February 27th.
If you blog about this giveaway, you’ll get 5 entries. Again, leave a link in the comments.
Then, next Monday the 28th, I will draw a winner and get those gift cards sent out.
Also, if there is anything in particular that you would like to see on this blog, be it advertising, your blog on the blog roll, pictures, more posts, a certain kind of story, etc, then please feel free to let me know. You can click that email button up near the top of the blog, or you can leave me a comment, as that gets you an entry into the contest. After all, you are my audience, and I am here to entertain you. Thanks for the loyalty, and welcome newcomers!


Some of you may remember my lamp giveaway from last Friday.

While it didn’t quite gain me the world wide popularity that I was after, it did have a lot of entries.

178 to be exact, after all the Twitter stuff was accounted for.

So I made a list of all your names out by the number of entries you had and yada yada yada, I won’t bore you with that.

Not surprisingly, the person with the most entries won.

With the random number generated of 16 of 178, the winner is…


You can totally click her name and go tell her what a lucky bish she is!

She is the winner of a new lamp from the fine folks at

This concludes my posting for the weekend, as I have a lot to do.

Go tell your friends how funny I am, and how I give stuff away sometimes.

By the way, due to me doing a special post on that day:


We’ll pick back up the Monday after!

Do you really love the lamp, or are you just saying it because you saw it?

Hell yes I started a giveaway post with an Anchorman quote.

Anyway, these folks over at stores decided my blog was just right for one of these giveaway things I’m always hearing about and sometimes try to win. They gave me the choice between taking something myself and doing a review, or letting y’all try to win something. Being the unselfish guy I am, I chose to let you win something.

The Missus is PISSED.

You see, she wanted some tables, and now she’s not getting those tables. You are getting a lamp instead. But before I go linking anything, I have to link this first.

How many of you could really use some track lighting fixtures?

Just raise your hands, then put them back down on your mouse and click that link. They’ll get you all fixed up.

So anyway, on to my giveaway.

I’m going to give you this lamp.

Here are the rules.
You are going to get one entry per comment on this post. You can submit multiple comments.
You will get 2 entries for following my blog.
You will also get 1 entry if you follow me on Twitter @tstyles77
If the comments go over 100, the person with the 100th comment will get 5 entries.
If you blog about this post and link it to mine, you’ll receive 5 entries.
Be sure you let me know in the comments that you followed me on Twitter and what your Twat name is. If you blog about the giveaway, then post the link in the comments. I won’t cap the number of entries you can receive! Blow me up, blog bitches!
The winner will be chosen from a random number generator site next Thursday, and I’ll announce the winner next Friday.
That’s like a $50 lamp, y’all. Who knows, maybe it will lead you down the path of well lit-ness? Or it could one day let you read a book by me if I ever get one published. Or you could cover it with a soft pink sheet and seduce your lover for a night of marathon love making. The possibilities are endless.
Actually, I don’t recommend that. I recommend NOT putting pink stuff on lamps. I knew a guy, his nickname was “Crispy.”
Wow. I’ve turned this giveaway post into a post about sex and burn victims. Who knew?
What I do recommend? Gettin busy with the entries.